North West Migrants Forum

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2016

Notice is hereby given that the 3rd Annual General Meeting of the North West Migrants Forum will be held at The play house, Glendermott Road, Londonderry BT47 6BG at 12.00 Pm on Saturday the 11th of June 2016.


1. Election of members to serve on the Committee

2. The appointment of an independent person to examine the annual accounts

3.To receive and consider the Financial Report and the Reports of the directors and the Auditor for the financial year ended 31 March 2016

Explanatory Notes:

The following NWMF activities will continue to be part of the regular business of the organisation. All NWMF activities will strive to meet the 7 shared aims of the recently published Racial Equality Strategy. To access the Racial Equality Strategy, copy and paste this link to your URL

Activities will include;

i.            Continue to provide information and practical integration support to our clients;

ii.             Continue to develop personal development programmes for all members;

iii.             Develop and implement initiatives that promote participation and inclusion of BME members;

iv.            Develop activities that increases partnership working with other groups and actors in the field of community relations;

v.             Attend events and consultation meetings to increase representation of BME members

vi.            Continue to raise awareness on issues impacting negatively on BME members and promote social inclusion and good relations in the NW;

vii.            Continue to develop and implement events that promote the celebration of cultural diversity

Continue to create training opportunities for BME members to build capacity in community development, increase knowledge and skills that would enable them to competently contribute to the implementation of the Racial Equality Strategy shared aims.

Please submit any questions that you would like the management to respond to at the meeting by email @ info@ by Friday the 3rd of June 2016.The management will respond to as many questions as possible at the meeting. Please note that individual responses will not be sent

If you wish to nominate/ express your interest to be elected to the NWMF committee, please use the nomination form and/or expression of interest form and Registration Form : which can be accessed by clicking the highlighted links, alternatively email us at to request a copy to be emailed to you. Deadline for nominations is 1st of June 2016

By order of the Board.

Jossy Aji

Vice Chair NWMF

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