With over 50 volunteers and six full-time staff, the NWMF is the leading anti-racism charity in the North West. Established in 2012, the Forum is a medium-size, high-impact organisation deploying complementary expertise and methodologies. The organisation brings proven expertise in grassroots campaigning as well as broader lived experience, rooted in being an umbrella forum led by the community’s needs.

Our vision is to change lives and transform the narratives around black and minoritised communities through tackling prejudice and stereotypes, normalising access to services and promoting respect, fairness, equality and success.

We offer support and advice through a variety of means including running funded events and projects that will educate participants from minority ethnic and traditional communities, and encourage them to challenge negative perceptions and policies that affect them while also gaining skills and confidence to make change happen.
Meet Our Team

Marija Stuke

Irina Chernichenko

Ibrahim Dandousha
Board Member

Kristina Kozak
Board Member

Monadel Bazzara
Board Member
Trustee's Annual Reports And Accounts