North West Migrants Forum

14th of April 2015 Racial Equality Strategy Implementation Event

OFMDFM officials gave the commitment to engage with minority ethnic groups during the on going development of the Racial Equality Strategy, Northwest Migrants Forum is assisting the Community Relations Council in organising BME members from the North West to attend this event. . The Common Platform response will form a basis for discussion however other issues may emerge which are of concerns to BME members. it is therefore important for groups of BME members and individuals from the North Wrest to be represented in this event.

The event will be organised to maximise participation. venue and agenda will be confirmed later.
This is an opportunity, both to be updated by senior officials in OFMDFM on the consultation responses to the draft Racial Equality Strategy and the department’s analysis of the findings, and to begin to explore the development of an implementation plan and timetable, outcomes in relation to key inequalities, links to actions by councils and departments, resources and accountability structures​. please contact Lilian Seenoi NWMF if you would like to attend this event for details. ​T: 02871362184 / M: 0788 020 7223 / E: