What's on at the Forum?
We have this women’s health session coming up on Monday, February 10.
If you feel it is for you, drop in or contact us directly.
And have a look at our Social Café programme. If you see anything that takes your fancy, call in or drop Helen an email at icsc@nwmf.org.uk.
You’re always welcome, but you already know that by know:)
February being the shortest month of the year, means that we have to cram everything in to just 28 days!
Have a look at our Social Café programme and if you see anything that takes your fancy, call in or drop Ei Mon an email at icsc@nwmf.org.uk.
You’re always welcome, but you already know that by know:)
AS the move from BRP cards to eVisas continues, we are holding a special eVisa clinic on January 28 in conjunction with Advice NI.
If you need help with making the move to eVisa or you have questions about the process, come along. Remember, eVisas are not optional, you will need one for every aspect of everyday life.
The Void Art Centre, Waterloo Place, has kindly invited the North West Migrants Forum for a visit this Thursday (January 16) at 2pm. Registration is not required, simply gather in our offices from 1.45pm and we will walk across the road together. Please note that this is for NWMF members and service users only.
From classes to cookery sessions, there is plenty to get your teeth into this month here at the North West Migrants Forum.
If you see anything that you feel you would enjoy, come along at the scheduled time and date or drop Ei Mon an email at icsc@nwmf.org.uk.
March 6 is looming large, the evening when we get all dressed up for our annual awards. It is going to be a really special event and if you want to be part of it, grab your tickets now. At just £30, they are a real bargain. Why not join us in celebrating those who go that extra mile to create a better society and a more just world!
Ahead of the Christmas break we have a number of important events pencilled in.
If you see anything that you feel would be of use to you, come along at the scheduled time and date or drop Ei Mon an email at icsc@nwmf.org.uk.

We have another busy month coming up here at the North West Migrants Forum. If you see something that tickles your fancy, drop Ei Mon an email at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or give her a call on 02871 362184. All events are open to the public. Pop in, we’d love to see you!
A highlight of our calendar, the Black History Summit has become a go-to event for anyone with an interest in a changing Ireland.
Our keynote speaker this year will be Kenneth B Morris, great-great-great grandson of abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
A list of other contributors will explore a range of issues including the recent hate riots in Belfast and Ireland in the 21st century – what does the future look like for young black people?
This is going to be a fantastic event and all the information you need is on our website. But register today as tickets are down to the single figures.
Another month, another packed programme at North West Migrants Forum.
Have a look and if you see anything that takes your fancy, come along, give us a call, send us an email or get us via all social media channels.
If you have any questions, get in touch with Ei Mon at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or via telephone: 02871 362184.
Location: North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH.
On Friday, October 4, we will be putting our best foot forward with a women-only dance circle.
This is an opportunity to free your self of the shackles of the working week and just have fun.
Like most of our activities, this is a free event, open to all females.
If you have any questions, get in touch with Ei Mon at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or via telephone: 02871 362184.
Location: North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH.
WE have a busy programme of events coming up again this month here at the North West Migrants Forum.
If you see anything you fancy, get in touch with Ei Mon at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or via telephone: 02871 362184.
Location: North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH.
WE have a busy programme of events coming up this month here at the North West Migrants Forum.
If you see anything you fancy, get in touch with Ei Mon at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or via telephone: 02871 362184.
Location: North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH.
On Wednesday, August 21, we have a very important information session focusing on cancer in women.
We are delighted to welcome back Hive Cancer Support which recently provided potentially life saving advice to our men.
This is a free workshop, pre-registration is not necessary.
Hopefully you can join us.
Location: North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH.
Date: August 21
Time: 1pm
Any questions, get in touch with Ei Mon at icsc@nwmf.org.uk or via telephone: 02871 362184.
How many times have you thought ‘I would love to learn sign language’?
On August 14 Conor Sharkey, Level 4 BSL, will be giving a free one-hour lesson in British Sign Language.
Learn the alphabet, how to spell your name and how to count to ten.
Come on in and get those hands talking!
Location: NWMF, third floor, Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, BT48 7BH.
Date: August 14
Time: 2-3pm
Language is the key to everything – employment, community cohesion, integration generally.
To assist those for whom English is not their first language we hold classes each week:
Pop-Up English: Short ten minute sessions with Liam Burns – Tuesdays, 3pm to 5pm
Thursday, full class, 5-7pm with Helen Warby.
Everyone is welcome to attend any of the classes.
Pick whichever one suits you best and classes are held in:
North West Migrants Forum, third floor Embassy Building, 3 Strand Road, Derry, BT48 7BH
Date: Every Friday
Time: 10am-12pm
Our Mother and Baby Group continues to flourish under the advice and guidance of Western Trust Health Visitors Donna McNally and Cheryl McElhinney.
Open to absolutely everyone, regardless of where you are from, these are wonderful sessions packed with fun and activities.
If you have a child aged 0-4yrs, you are more than welcome to join us here at the North West Migrants Forum every Friday morning.
You need to bring nothing other than a smile!
Date: October 26
Time: 10am to 3pm
This year’s Black History Summit will be held in Belfast under the theme of ‘Changing Narratives’.
The full programme is still being compiled but we already have one very eminent guest speaker agreed in Kenneth B Morris, co-founder and president of the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives.
Also joining us as panel chair will be former BBC presenter Donna Traynor.
Full details will be released as they are firmed up. But as in years gone by, a fascinating day of discussion, debate and entertainment is guaranteed.
Date: March 6 2025
Our Advancing Race Equality Awards are back!
Launched on Monday, June 24, the 2024 awards are going to be very special. All we need now is you!
If you know someone who deserves recognition for their work in combatting racism and enhancing diversity and inclusion, why not start compiling that nomination today?
Due to popular demand we have also reintroduced our Schools Anti-Racism Art Competition.
Full details are on our website www.nwmf.org.uk
Keep an eye on our website and social media platforms for all Advancing Race Equality Awards developments as they happen.
The ‘What’s On’ section of our website is updated every week so keep checking in.
You can also keep up to date with all our work, activities and campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
If you have any questions or would like to be included in an event you can call Conor on 02871 362184. You can also email c.sharkey@nwmf.org.uk or icsc@nwmf.org.