Notice is hereby given that the 2nd Annual General Meeting of the North West Migrants Forum(NWMF) will be held at Glenview Community Centre, Cedar St, Derry, and County Derry BT48 0EG at 16.00 pm on Sunday the 14th of June 2015.
1. Financial and Other Reports; to receive and consider the Financial Report and the Reports of the directors and the Auditor for the financial year ended 31 March 2015
2. Re-election of Committee members; to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions as ordinary resolutions:
(a) To elect as Chairperson: Rekha Dromgoole who was appointed as a chair since the last Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offers herself for election in accordance with Rule 5.2 of the Constitution.
(b) To elect as vice chair Jossy Aji who was appointed as a vice chair since the last Annual General Meeting and, being eligible offers herself for election in accordance with Rule 5.2 of the Constitution.
(c) To elect as Treasurer Patrick Barr who was appointed as Treasure since the last Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offers himself for election in accordance with Rule 5.2 of the Constitution.
(d) To fill the position of a secretary which became vacant after the resignation of the previous secretary elected at the last annual general meeting in accordance to Rule 5.3 of the constitution.
e) To confirm new members of the committee who were co-opted by the committee members in accordance with rule 5.3 of the constitution. Members co-opted are; Brenda Stevenson and Arjang Agahi
3. Approval of the New Approach to Integration Strategic plan
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the New Approach to Integration Strategic Plan in respect of the financial years ending 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 on the terms set out in the Explanatory Notes.
Explanatory Notes:
The following NWMF activities will continue to be part of the regular business of the organisation. All NWMF activities will strive to meet the 6 shared themes of the Racial Equality Strategy.
i. Continue to provide information and practical integration support to our clients;
ii. Continue to develop personal development programmes for all members;
iii. Develop and implement initiatives that promote participation and inclusion of BME members;
iv. Develop activities that increases partnership working with other groups and actors in the field of community relations;
v. Attend events and consultation meetings to increase representation of BME members
vi. Continue to raise awareness on issues impacting negatively on BME members and promote social inclusion and good relations in the NW;
vii. Continue to develop and implement events that promote the celebration of cultural diversity
viii. Continue to create training opportunities for BME members to build capacity in community development, increase knowledge and skills that would enable them to competently contribute to the implementation of the Racial Equality Strategy shared aims.
Please submit any questions that you would like the management to respond to at the meeting by email @ by Thursday the 11th of June 2015 at 4pm.The management will respond to as many questions as possible at the meeting. Please note that individual responses will not be sent
By order of the Board.
Rekha Dromgoole