The North West Migrant Forum (NWMF) and Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum (The Forum) an organisation based in London, are organising a two day and one night residential, ‘Building Bridges’.
This residential will involve highly interactive facilitated discussions on the reality of today’s diversity in Northern Ireland with several thematic workshops which will focus on enhancing the welcoming capacity of Northern Ireland, racial equality and diversity issues in workplaces, and newcomers including refugees and dynamics in diversity.
Residential details
When Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October 2015
Where The Jungle Residential Centre (The Manor House)
How long Two days and one night ( arrival time: 11am Saturday 3rd, departure 4th October 2015 @4pm
Who is it for? Community leaders, policy makers, service providers, local community residents and people of minority ethnic backgrounds.
Registration deadline 28th of September 2015
Accommodation and meals will be provided.
To register please download a registration form (click on link Residential booking form) and email back to Charles Obodiochina on email charles.oboechina@nwmf.
Get involved and express your own opinion, meet and make new friends, and help to make Northern Ireland a more welcoming place for newcomers. Adults are encouraged to attend without their children; however, for those who need additional child care support, child care will be provided on site for children ages 3 years old and above. If you have younger children and would like to attend please contact our office to discuss.