Categories for Advancing Race Equality Awards

Anti-Racism School of the Year Award

This category recognises schools, further education colleges and universities that have demonstrated, a zero-tolerance approach to prejudice, racial bullying and racism in schools by improving racial literacy/anti-racism education and by promoting safety and wellbeing for black and minority ethnic pupils, students, staff, parents, carers and those in the community. 

Anti-Racism Teacher of the Year Award

Our Anti-Racism Teacher Award recognises teachers, tutors and lecturers who act as role models in championing respect for difference and the advancement of racial equality in educational settings. The award also recognises teachers, tutors and lecturers who go above and beyond when engaging young people, parents and colleagues to change attitudes, behaviour and overall culture in education.

Anti-Racism Ambassador of the Year (Primary School)

Our Primary School Ambassador award targets pupils who have demonstrated a significant commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within their educational community. This award celebrates individuals who have actively worked to combat racism, foster understanding and create a more inclusive environment.

Anti-Racism Ambassador of the Year (Secondary School)

This category is for secondary school students who actively work to create a more just society both within the corridors of their learning environment and beyond. It celebrates those who have shown and continue to show a commitment to tackling racism and to teaching their peers why inclusivity matters and what it looks like. 

Young Leader

This category recognises young people aged 18-30 who work within their communities, further education colleges or universities to challenge discrimination and to achieve a more inclusive future. For example through work building intercultural trust, future-oriented peace work at grassroots level and supporting the rights of marginalised people. 

Community Champion of the Year

This category recognises those who have gone above and beyond in the course of their work and duties to challenge racial discrimination in the workplace and in society as a whole. Let’s hear it for all our community champions.

Advancing Racial Justice and Fairness Award

This award recognises an organisation, business or public sector organisation for their work in tackling racism, reducing barriers and promoting peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland.

Anti-Racism Media Award

This category recognises the work of individual communicators or media outlets in highlighting racism and providing platforms for racialised people to drive change.

Anti-Racism Leader of the Year

This category honours exceptional individuals who have gone above and beyond in the course of their work to challenge systemic racism and actively take steps to address racial inequalities in Northern Ireland. Those who have demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in advancing racial justice, human rights and equality in Northern Ireland.

Lifetime Achievement Award

This category recognises individuals who have dedicated a minimum of two decades to the field of racial justice and human rights. The recipient will have a recognised level of significant engagement in racial justice work and have demonstrated exemplary leadership in advocating for human rights and equality in Northern Ireland.

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