—— First Day of the event: 6 February 2021
The topic of the day: Gender Mainstreaming; Reclaiming BME voices in NI history
—— The second day of the event: 20 February
Event Details
—— First Day of the event: 6 February 2021
The topic of the day: Gender Mainstreaming; Reclaiming BME voices in NI history
—— The second day of the event: 20 February 2021
The topic of the day: Women’s Participation and Transformative Leadership; Valuing BME women voices in leadership
—— The third day of the event: 27 February 2021
The topic of the day: Gender justice and BME women’s rights The fourth day of the event: 6 March 2021 The topic of the day: Choose to challenge- BME women Call to Action